Grapheme Bingo Pack


Five sets of bingo games for children to practise recognising different graphemes that represent the same sound.

Each set includes four bingo boards and a self-assembly dice. Children simple roll the dice and then mark-off a word on their bingo board using the same grapheme.

  • Set 1 - ay, ai, a_e. eigh, ey, ea

  • Set 2 - ee, e, e_e, ey, y, ea

  • Set 3 - y, igh, i_e, ie, i, y

  • Set 4 - ie, ew, u_e, oo, ew, o

  • Set 5 - oe, ow, o_e, o, oe, oa

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Five sets of bingo games for children to practise recognising different graphemes that represent the same sound.

Each set includes four bingo boards and a self-assembly dice. Children simple roll the dice and then mark-off a word on their bingo board using the same grapheme.

  • Set 1 - ay, ai, a_e. eigh, ey, ea

  • Set 2 - ee, e, e_e, ey, y, ea

  • Set 3 - y, igh, i_e, ie, i, y

  • Set 4 - ie, ew, u_e, oo, ew, o

  • Set 5 - oe, ow, o_e, o, oe, oa

Five sets of bingo games for children to practise recognising different graphemes that represent the same sound.

Each set includes four bingo boards and a self-assembly dice. Children simple roll the dice and then mark-off a word on their bingo board using the same grapheme.

  • Set 1 - ay, ai, a_e. eigh, ey, ea

  • Set 2 - ee, e, e_e, ey, y, ea

  • Set 3 - y, igh, i_e, ie, i, y

  • Set 4 - ie, ew, u_e, oo, ew, o

  • Set 5 - oe, ow, o_e, o, oe, oa

This resources was made by Gemma, our KS1 expert, and tried and tested in her classroom.

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