Writing Rachel Clarke Writing Rachel Clarke

Cracking Cohesion

Cohesion is one of those aspects of writing that can be hard to pin down. Teachers often describe it as writing that flows and writing that sticks together. But just what is it that gives writing cohesion, and can it even be taught? We share our thoughts and our Cohesion Roadmap to help you ensure cohesion is taught progressively across your school.

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Writing, Reading Rachel Clarke Writing, Reading Rachel Clarke

Journey stories

Writing a whole story that flows logically and successfully can be extremely challenging. In this article, we consider how simple journey stories can act as models for young writers.

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Writing Rachel Clarke Writing Rachel Clarke

Modelled and Shared Writing

Modelling in its broadest sense is one of the most powerful tools we have in our teacher toolkits. It’s the epitome of an expert showing a novice how to do something and thereby moving them towards expertise themselves. In this article we look at modelled and shared writing as tools you can use to improve children’s writing.

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Reading, Writing Rachel Clarke Reading, Writing Rachel Clarke

Teaching Shakespeare in primary schools

The works of Shakespeare are read and enjoyed the world over. But is it worth studying them in primary school and are there any advantage in doing so? In this article, I consider some of the reasons I think it’s worth including Shakespeare in your Key Stage 2 curriculum provision.

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Reading, Writing Rachel Clarke Reading, Writing Rachel Clarke

Once upon an ordinary school day

Once upon an ordinary a day an ordinary teacher was looking for an ordinary book to read with her ordinary children during their ordinary guided reading lesson, when..she stumbled across a quite extraordinary book indeed: Once Upon an Ordinary School Day by Colin McNaughton and Satoshi Kitamura.

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Writing, Assessment Rachel Clarke Writing, Assessment Rachel Clarke

Writing moderation - weights and measures

Writing moderation is the school assessment system's version of Weights and Measures. It's a system where producers – you, bring your product – the children's writing, to be weighed, measured and scrutinised by your peers. It's the way that we maintain 'the standard' and use an agreed set of criteria by which we can grade that produce.

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