Motivation for Mondays (and other days of the week)

Today I share a few motivational thoughts to help you tackle Monday mornings or any other day where a few words of wisdom help set you up for the day ahead.

You don’t have to be too eagle eyed to notice that my surname is Clarke. I’ve not always been a Clarke, it’s my married name but I consider it to be one of the most fitting surnames I could have been bestowed. Why? Because the Clarke arms carries the motto Carpe Diem (seize the day). And if you know me just a little, you’ll know that I carpe just about as much as I can out of every diem.

This said, I’m not always brim full of enthusiasm – who is? There are some days when my cup is half full and I need just a wee bit of encouragement to get me started. And it’s more than likely that Monday morning is when I’m most in need a few words of wisdom to get me ready and raring to go.

Knowing I’m not alone in needing a little boost on a Monday morning, I’ve collated a few uplifting thoughts to help you seize the day.

This article is part of a suite of blogs written to inspire and motivate. Take a look at some of our other uplifting posts by clicking below.

We have a collection of books quotations on Pinterest. And can be found on Instagram as _primaryenglish.


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